Users can convert their $MANGA tokens into xHONO tokens. Manga Token holders have the option to swap their $MANGA for xHONO, with the maximum amount that can be obtained through this conversion capped at 111,922.78 xHONO tokens.

NOTE: $MANGA will be burned upon conversion.

$MANGA to xHONO conversion formula

The conversion formula is as follows:

x = Amount of $MANGA to be converted into xHONO

A = Amount of $MANGA already burned at the start of the xHONO launch

B = Initial price of xHONO in $MANGA

Simplified Explanation

Early participants will require fewer $MANGA tokens to convert into xHONO, while later participants will need more $MANGA to obtain the same amount of xHONO. As more $MANGA gets burned through conversions, the price of xHONO in $MANGA will increase.

Effects of Monthly $MANGA Burn on xHONO Price

The price of xHONO in $MANGA will continue to rise as more $MANGA is burned over time. Even if no additional conversions occur, any $MANGA burn will still drive the conversion rate upwards.

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